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I don't give a damn about you No, nothing can change my mind No way I'm happy just to let you walk away
Don't think about you at night I'm happy to be alone It's ok But that was yesterday, and now I'm
Driving in my car Words don't get me far When they don't mean shit Ooooooh!
I'm calling you at 3 AM and I'm, I'm standing here right outside your door And I don't think that my heart can take much more I'm scared of cracking up again, I just Want it to be like it was before And I don't think that my heart can take more
I don't give a damn what you do I'm going to get with you Again And that's the way this night is gonna end You say that you need some time How long does it take to see That we are more than meant to be? And now you're driving in your car But you won't get far 'Cause your car is shit Ooooooh!
I'm calling you at 3 AM and I'm Standing here right outside your door And I don't think that my heart can take much more I'm scared of cracking up again, I just Want it to be like it was before 'Cause I don't think that my heart can take much more
Can take much more (echoes) Can take much more (echoes) Can take much more (echoes)
Driving in my car Words don't get me far When they don't mean shit Ooooooh!
I'm calling you at 3 AM and I'm Standing here right outside your door And I don't think that my heart can take much more I'm scared of cracking up again, I just Want it to be like it was before 'Cause I don't think that my heart can take much more
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