Текст песни Cage The Elephant - Metaverse

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[Verse 1]
Metaverse fallout
There's really no rush now
Just in case you wanna spell it out
Build me up to cut me down

It’s a natural progression
No need for affection
Just a perfect deflection
When you got no perspective

Every day spent far from my family
Double check, checked out, I'm half asleep
What the hell? Oh, well, that's life
What the hell? I keep running and running

[Verse 2]
Living in the passed down
Underneath a dark cloud
The spell you pull me under
Try to steal my thunder

It’s a natural progrеssion
No need for affection
Just a perfect dеflection
When you got no perspective

Every day spent far from my family
Double check, checked out, I'm half asleep
What the hell? Oh, well, that's life
What the hell? I keep running and running
Every day that dream comes back to me
Falling out further, far from my family
What the hell? Oh, well, that's life
What the hell? I keep running and running

Every day spent far from my family
Double check, checked out, I'm half asleep
What the hell? Oh well, that's life
What the hell? I keep running and running
Every day that dream comes back to me
Falling out further, far from my family
What the hell? Oh, well, that's life
What the hell? I keep running and running
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