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[Verse 1]
All these days in chains
The present age on fire
Three matches cut the gloves
Forced expiration to expire
Now the fox, he digs his hole
And the hound was laying down
Yeah, the vibrant colors swirl
But they never make a sound
So I, I just float into the sky
I just float into my mind
Tell everyone I'm shy
No, I can't escape the clouds
And I can't escape the hounds
I just float into the sky
I just float into my mind
[Verse 2]
Where's your hand to hold?
The mother hush the child
Cast from every fold
To the bottom of the pile
Where the fox, he digs his hole
And the hound was laying down
Yeah, the vibrant colors swirl
And they were carried by the sound
So I, I just float into the sky
I just float into my mind
Tell everyone I'm shy
No, I can't escape the clouds
And I can't escape the hounds
I just float into the sky
I just float into my mind
Break these chains around me
With waves of light, deliver me
I'm so tired of trying to make some sense of everything I see
Break these chains around me
With waves of light, deliver me
I'm so tired of trying to make some sense of everything I see
I, I just float into the sky
I just float into my mind
Tell everyone I'm shy
No, I can't escape the clouds
And I can't escape the hounds
I just float into the sky
I just float into my mind
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