Текст песни Cage The Elephant - Rainbow

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[Verse 1]
Let's lay it out, lay it all on the table
Straight from the top, you called my hand, and I felt labeled
Saw the one past whispers that I hated
Trapped inside a mirror, changing shapes to shake those labels
Soft crush, twin flame, bright lights, no shame, home base
Even when it's painful

You lift me up, all in, tight-knit, second skin, won't quit
Satellite faithful, floating like a rainbow

You lift me up when I get down
Right 'round, got me floating like a rainbow
I need your touch, your touch right now
Right 'round, got me floating like a rainbow
And so this world keeps turning 'round
Right 'round, got me floating like a rainbow
You lift me up when I get down
Right 'round, got me floating like a rainbow
Floating like a rainbow

[Verse 2]
You are more vibrant than a technicolor flower bloom
Worth more than any sunset that I ever even knew
As far as east is to the west, there is no flaw in you
It's you I want, it's you I want, it's you I want, and only you

You lift me up, all in, tight-knit, second skin, won't quit
Satellite faithful, floating like a rainbow

You lift me up when I get down
Right 'round, got me floating like a rainbow
I need your touch, your touch right now
Right 'round, got me floating like a rainbow
And so this world keeps turning 'round
Right 'round, got me floating like a rainbow
You lift me up when I get down, right 'round
Got me floating like a rainbow, floating like a rainbow

The lights go out, and I'm back inside that hallway
Shadowboxing shame and self-inflicted mind games
Burning the candle from both ends has got me sideways
Am I afraid to lose or more afraid to lose my way?

You lift me up when I get down
Right 'round, got me floating like a rainbow
I need your touch, your touch right now
You lift me up when I get down
You lift me up when I get down, right 'round
Got me floating like a rainbow, floating like a rainbow
You lift me up when I get down
Right 'round, got me floating like a rainbow
I need your touch, your touch right now
Right 'round, got me floating like a rainbow

And so this world keeps turning 'round
Right 'round, got me floating like a rainbow
You lift me up when I get down, right 'round
Got me floating like a rainbow, floating like a rainbow
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