Текст песни Cage The Elephant - Same

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[Verse 1]
It was lightning in a bottle
Happened in a fraction
Gasping for a breath
Smoke fresh everlasting
Just a glance, what's the chance?
Frantic in a bubble
Classic move, play it cool
For an instant, it was magic

I don't wanna play those games (Ah)
Will we ever be the same? (Ah)
I don't wanna play those games (Ah)
Will we ever be the same, same, same, same, same?

[Verse 2]
When two bodies feel like quicksand
Pulse project vibrations
Asked me for my coat
And you give me your jackеt
In my mind, yeah, you're mine
Spill anothеr glass of wine
What's the move? Set the mood
For an instant, it was magic

I don't wanna play those games (Ah)
Will we ever be the same? (Ah)
I don't wanna play those games (Ah)
Will we ever be the same, same, same, same, same?

Did you ever stop to think about it?
Did you ever stop to think about it?
Did you ever stop to think about it?
Did you ever stop to think?

I don't wanna play those games (Ah)
Will we ever be the same? (Ah)
I don't wanna play those games (Ah)
Will we ever be the same same, same, same, same?
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