Текст песни Cage The Elephant - Silent Picture

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[Verse 1]
He stood outside the door
At the bottom of the staircase
Trying to put the pieces together
Like a silent film he'd watched a thousand times before
She sank beneath the sea
Silently, she screams
Dried her eyes and sighed
Lying on the bathroom floor

I can hardly breathe
I can't breathe
I can't breathe

I don't wanna talk about it
I don't wanna know if you're there
I don't wanna think about it
I just want the world to disappеar
Take it out on me, turn your back on me
Oh, yеah
T-take it out on me, turn your back on me
I don't care

[Verse 2]
She scrambled for the keys
Bags were packed to leave
No more lies or wasted time
Lying on the bathroom floor

I can hardly breathe
I can't breathe
I can't breathe
I'll just rest in peace
Rest in peace
Bury me, bury me

I don't wanna talk about it
I don't wanna know if you're there
I don't wanna think about it
I just want the world to disappear
Take it out on me, turn your back on me
Oh, yeah
T-take it out on me, turn your back on me
I don't care

I don't wanna talk about it
I don't wanna know if you're there
I don't wanna think about it
I just want the world to disappear
Take it out on me, turn your back on me
Oh, yeah
T-take it out on me, turn your back on me
I don't care
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