Текст песни Cage The Elephant - HiFi (True Light)

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[Verse 1]
Every day now turned into a night
Catching circles under my eyes
I'm in heaven, I'm in paradise
Not your savior, I'm a wall-fly
I'm a fly by, bye and bye

Where did it go, what did it take?
Windows with pain, starting to break
Where do we go? Tell me your name
Comes at a high price, a price I can't pay

Up down, turn around, left and said it's alright
Turn it up, slow down, my house, outta sight
'Member when you said, „We're gon' be up all night“?
Up down, turn around, okay, no, I'm fine
Text me in the morning, see you in the morning
Text you in the morning, see me in a true light

[Verse 2]
I wear your ears out, I'm interstellar now
You did the math wrong, you gotta round me down
Side corridor, laying on the floor
Like a tidal wave, I'm an open door
I'm a wall fly, by and bye

Where do we go, what did it take?
Windows with pain, starting to break
Where do we go? Tell me your name
Comes at a high price, a price I can't pay

Up down, turn around, left and said it's alright
Turn it up, slow down, my house, outta sight
'Member when you said, „We're gon' be up all night“?
Up down, turn around, okay, no I'm fine
Text me in the morning, see you in the morning
Text you in the morning, see me in a true light

How does one know when the sea breaks?
Where does it go, what did it take?
How does one know when to change shapes?
Comes at a high price, a price I can't pay

Up down, turn around, left and said it's alright
Turn it up, slow down, my house, outta sight
'Member when you said, „We're gon' be up all night“?
Up down, turn around, okay, no I'm fine
Up down, turn around, left and said it's alright
Turn it up, slow down, my house, outta sight
'Member when you said, „We're gon' be up all night“?
Up down, turn around, okay, no I'm fine
Text me in the morning, see you in the morning
Text you in the morning, see me in a true light
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