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Everybody's talking, nobody's listening Everybody's talking Put me in the corner Wanna hold you in my hands Hold you in my hand Hold you in my hand Fill me in the darkness 'Cause no one understands No one understands No one understands you
Chorus: Turn me around and I've lost your face again Where did you go? I'd swear he was just a friend Turn me around and I see your face again I'm lost and I'm found in a stranger's arms again
Everybody's talking, nobody's listening Everybody's talking Rushing to the mirror And I don't know who I see How could anybody hurt you babe What's wrong with me? Wrong with me, oh 'Cause you might be gone But your car's not gone But your love's not gone
Don't get jealous, dear I start to disappear I disappear, I disappear, I disappear, I disappear Say what you wanna say Be what you wanna be I disappear, I disappear, I disappear, I disappear
Wanna hold you in my hands Hold you in my hand Hold you in my hand
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