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sour candy endings coffee stains where oh im so tangled up in my big sunglasses im bed hungry second day fare no we went under the weight was too much to carry in i felt the thunder mister dont look so scared i never knew i never knew that i could be so sad we went under and ive been very cautious trying numbness instead of pain oh your humour makes me makes me nausious what a twisted,twisted,twisted game no we went under the weight was too much to carry in ifelt the thunder mister dont look so scared i never knew i never knew that i could be so sad we went under oh get yourself home you leave him alone on second thought i regret the pink stilletto ohho oh ooh sour candy endings and i was barely enven there no we went under the wieght was too much to carry in i felt the thunder mister dont look so scared i never knew i never knew that i could be so sad so sad so sad so sad so sad we went under
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