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(I can see)
Sweet talker, I'm not gunna stop you You talk so sweet and it's dribbling like honey It's just one taste I see what your tryin' to do, oh oh, yeah yeah, Its hot, steaks are getting higher
No love for free man It costs if you're the buyer My life's for me I see what cha tryin' to do oh oh
(Come on) Lazy lover, oh, you slide me through you Slide me though your Lazy lover I will slide me through your window And i give you oh the sweetest dreams you ever had Make your early morning not so bad I can see just what you're tryin' to do
That's a nice a house I like what you've done with the place Your ginger bread and that greedy smile upon your face I can see just what you're tryin' to do oh oh
(Come on) Lazy lover, oh, you slide me through your Slide me though your Lazy lover I will slide me through your window And I'll give you, oh, the sweetest dreams you ever had Make your early morning not so bad I can see just what you're tryin' to do
But, don't worry, I say get it over with 'Cuz what you want to know, You've got it on your finger tips Don't you ask for more that wave Just tumbles me round till I'm lost somewhere With baby, I just can't make a sound
It's so unfortunate But I've already been through this And I can see just what your tryin; to do I can see just what you need to do
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