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Tell me, baby is it yes or no? You've got a face that just don't show what's going on inside Tell me, I swear I'll take it on the chin Don't sugarcoat where I fit in, what's going on?
Inside you there's a room, a room with a door I finally come knocking and I've been here before Oh, I've got this love for you but what is it for? If you can hear me then tell me
Last chance, hold me in your arms and say If you want this love to walk away Tell me and I'll say goodbye
Inside you there's a room, a room with a door I finally come knocking and I've been here before Oh, I've got this love for you but what is it for? If you can hear me
I'll make it easy, I'm counting to three Am I something you want or someone you need, baby?
Tell me that you want me, tell me that you love me Tell me, darling won't you tell me? I'm begging you to tell me Tell me and I'll say goodbye
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