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Make my house of bricks and I'll stick here When the world comes crashing down around me Make your arms a willow tree And you can bend with me anywhere I'm going
Sometimes it's hard to see anything lovely All the people around me Going for the money and the money and the ego
How can you ask me why I need to know before I try? I've got to be sure there's more Than the money and the money and the ego
Keep your eyes on me And I'll look to you so I can see what I am here for Pull the wool over my eyes Please kiss this day goodbye, only you can get me going
Sometimes it's hard to see anything lovely All the people around me Going for the money and the money and the ego
How can you ask me why I need to know before I try? I've got to be sure there's more Than the money and the money and the ego
When giving up is all you got and giving up is all you want You hear yourself say you lost the will, the power When giving up is all you got and giving up is all you want Don't be afraid to sit down in your shower You can stay in there for hours
Make my house of bricks and I'll stick here When the world comes crashing down around me
Sometimes it's hard to see anything lovely All the people around me Going for the money and the money and the ego
How can you ask me why I need to know before I try? I've got to be sure there's more Than the money and the money and the ego
Got to be sure there's more Money and the money and the ego Got to be sure there's more Money and the money and the ego
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