Текст песни Charlotte Cardin - Did Life Work Out for You?

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[Verse 1]
I ran into a stranger from your home state
I said I knew someone from there, and I said your name
She said she knew you, and it stopped me in my tracks
Like that

[Verse 2]
Took me back to fourteen, in my daydream
I know it's been so many years, it's kinda hazy
But I wondered if I called, how you'd react
To that

It's not that I miss you or wished you'd come back
It's not that I don't love the one that I have
But every now and then
I go there again
Out of the blue

That summer together, then never again
I go through the whys' and the what could have beens'
And I'm the first to say
Things happen the way they're supposed to
I guess I'm just wondering
Did life work out for you?

[Verse 3]
I still have your letters at my parents
I didn't bring them with me all the way to Paris
Do you still have mine?
If you don't, that's okay, too
And do you listen to my songs?
Do you still think I'm the next Celine Dion?

It's not that I miss you or wished you'd come back
It's not that I don't love the one that I have
But every now and then
I go there again
Out of the blue

That summer together, then never again
I go through the whys' and the what could have beens'
And I'm the first to say
Things happen the way they're supposed to
I guess I'm just wondering
Did life work out for you?

I looked at a picture of you and your wife
Your son's got your smile and the green in your eyes
Seems like nothing's changed
Seems like you're the same boy I knew

And that summer together, then never again
I go through the whys' and the what could have beens'
And I'm the first to say
Things happen the way they're supposed to
I guess I'm just wondering
Did life work out for you?
I guess I'm just wondering
Did life work out for you?

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