Текст песни Charlotte Cardin - Lonely with Our Love

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[Verse 1]
The gap between us growing wide
Was bound to happen over time
We live our lives in parallel
So I really hope this finds you well

[Verse 2]
Different natures, different nights
You'll have yours, and I'll have mine
When all our plans have gone to hell
And you're not here for me to tell

That it's all good until it's not
And I'm lonely with our love
It's not mine, it's not your fault
That I'm lonely with our love
It wouldn't be worth it if it wasn't this hard
There wouldn't be starlight if it didn't get dark
But it's all good until we're lonely with our love
Lonely with our love

[Verse 3]
So used to being without you
I can't sugarcoat this honeymoon, no
It's not what I signed up for
Are we even happy anymore?

Oh, and it's all good until it's not
And I'm lonely with our love
It's not mine, it's not your fault
That I'm lonely with our love
It wouldn't be worth it if it wasn't this hard
There wouldn't be starlight if it didn't get dark
But it's all good until we're lonely with our love
You know we're lonely with our love

It's not what I signed up for
Are we even happy anymore?

It's all good until it's not
And I'm lonely with our love
It's not mine, it's not your fault
That I'm lonely with our love
It wouldn't be worth it if it wasn't this hard
There wouldn't be starlight if it didn't get dark
And it's all good until we're lonely with our love
You know we're lonely with our love
Lonely with our love
Lonely with our love

Mmm, it's all good until we're lonely with our love

Другие песни Charlotte Cardin

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