Текст песни Damned, The - Psychomania
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Psychomania, Psychomania
She is the substance of my dreams
A spectre in the wind
Take my dare, take me there
On the trail of the jewel trail
If you’ve got a notion
Like a bullet set in motion
Shining chrome shiny leather
Penetrate the night forever
Psychomania, Psychomania
The pleasure of the beast
Cursing through our veins
Burn the night burn the day
A burning light on our a mounlight flight
Everything blurs in the shadow
Straight and true shot like an arrow
Tales of love tales of terror
Ghost-riders go hell for leather
Psychomania, drives me crazier
Everything blurs in the shadow
Straight and true shot like an arrow
Tales of love tales of terror
Ghost-riders go hell for leather
Streak the night with our burning flight
Crimson eyes that blur in the twilight
Psychomania, drives me crazier
Psychomania, drives me crazier
Everything blurs in the shadow
Straight and true shot like an arrow
Like a spectre in the wind
She is the substance of my dreams
Psychomania, drives me crazier
She is the substance of my dreams
A spectre in the wind
Take my dare, take me there
On the trail of the jewel trail
If you’ve got a notion
Like a bullet set in motion
Shining chrome shiny leather
Penetrate the night forever
Psychomania, Psychomania
The pleasure of the beast
Cursing through our veins
Burn the night burn the day
A burning light on our a mounlight flight
Everything blurs in the shadow
Straight and true shot like an arrow
Tales of love tales of terror
Ghost-riders go hell for leather
Psychomania, drives me crazier
Everything blurs in the shadow
Straight and true shot like an arrow
Tales of love tales of terror
Ghost-riders go hell for leather
Streak the night with our burning flight
Crimson eyes that blur in the twilight
Psychomania, drives me crazier
Psychomania, drives me crazier
Everything blurs in the shadow
Straight and true shot like an arrow
Like a spectre in the wind
She is the substance of my dreams
Psychomania, drives me crazier
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