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Away, the jokers’s closing in, Reform and they will win, The light is fading fast. I know, you know, they know, we all know, Everybody’s gonna burn down.
The girls come crawling on all fours, Banging on locked doors, High cards call the tune. I know, you know, they know, we all know, Everybody’s gonna burn down.
Play me another hand, Loose everything I am, Until we meet again.
The ace, that’s hiding up your sleeve, Will cause the world to grieve, The love you had is gone, I know you know, they know, we all know.
The dream, in every player’s heart, To win it all not part, They lie awake at night, I know, you know, they know, we all know.
The game, where gamblers rule the night, And get your blood they might, The joker’s closin’ in, I know, you know, they know, we all know.
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