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Lipstick traces on an unmade bed We drank all night and got devils in our head She said some things that should have stayed unsaid Emotions overflowing Now I don’t know what to believe Sitting here in the cold light of the day
She felt anger, I felt pain I walked out into the pouring rain Packed my bags and took the midnight train Didn’t care where it was going On my way, running like a thief Hard to leave, but harder to stay
There’s no wrong, there’s no right But sometimes she breaks all the rules And lying here alone tonight Can’t believe love can be so cruel
Wish I’d believed her ’Cos now I need her Sometimes the truth just hurts too much
She goes straight to the heart With a truth that always finds me She goes straight to the heart And pulls tight the ties that bind me She can be so cold, and it tears me apart When she twists the knife It goes straight to the heart
Sometimes love is an endless fight It’s never simple, never black and white Just like ships passing in the night Who knows where they’re going No forgiveness, no reprieve Both sailing their separate ways
Light of day, dead of night I’m searching for what I can’t find Try and try as I might I can’t get her out of my mind
Wish I’d believed her ’Cos now I need her I guess we all must love and learn She goes straight to heart With a truth that always finds me She goes straight to the heart And pulls tight the ties that bind me She can be cold, and it tears me apart When she twists the knife It goes straight to the heart
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