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[Verse 1]
Following my vice
I led myself straight off the side
I weighed up the cost
But I forgot
But I forgot
When it all collides at the depth of my decline
Will I draw the line?
Am I destined by design?
[Verse 2]
Don’t wanna feel at all today
I think I’ll stay away, away
Swore I said I’d change (I'd change)
Stop circling that same drain
But I forgot
Headfirst, closed eyes
I feel alive
Hands down my spine
I feel alive
When it all collides at the depth of my decline
Will I draw the line?
Am I destined by design?
Headfirst, closеd eyes
I feel alive
Hands down my spinе
I feel alive
[Outro Chorus]
When it all collides at the depth of my decline
Gonna draw that line
I’m not destined by
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