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Separate, disconnect
Build it up in your head
Play it out like I’m only here to please
Just another object
Better hope now that I don’t feel
Like I’m not real at all
Got no way to compete
With a version of me
You created inside your fantasy
I never answered your call, but it always goes
On and on and on and on and
I don’t owe you anything
You had me almost, your aim so low
Take it all or nothing
Say I’m being selfish
I won’t be your hostage
I know you don’t deserve my bones
Cause this is all or nothing
Say I’m being selfish
I won’t bе your hostage
Just the same as thе rest
And you’ll try it again
Would you believe me that you’re not what I need?
You’re still calling
But you’re not what i need, yeah
Wonder what happens next, isn’t it obvious
That I never owed you anything?
And I still don’t owe you anything
You had me almost, your aim so low
Take it all or nothing
Say I’m being selfish
I won’t be your hostage
I know you don’t deserve my bones
Cause this is all or nothing
Say I’m being selfish
I won’t be your hostage