Здесь вы найдете слова песни Elvis Costello, The Imposters - Magnificent Hurt. Наши пользователи находят тексты песен из различных источников в интернете, также добавялют самостоятельно. Вы можете скачать текст песни Elvis Costello, The Imposters - Magnificent Hurt и его перевод.
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After talking in tongues I began to preach
What falls from the branch is an apple or peach
Hold on to me there's a red alert
It's the way you make me feel, magnificent hurt
I took a little walk, I took another stimulant
I shed a single tear for my predicament
Don't act surprised or insolent
It's the way you make me feel, magnificent hurt
When we first met, I knew you were beautiful
You fit like the seat of a blue mohair suit
And the pain that I felt let me know I'm alive
And I opened my heart
To the way you make me feel, magnificent hurt
I speak low and intimate
Like a cardboard sophisticate
What if this is true love?
Not some town hall certificate
It's the way you make me feel, magnificent hurt
I stood at the door, and I almost went through with it
Tight as the angle of my amen
And I swore there and then as I feign and I flirt
I unbuttoned my shirt
To the way you make me feel, magnificent hurt
To the way you make me feel, magnificent hurt
It's the way you make me feel
It's the way you make me feel, magnificent