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(Rodney Crowell)
This morning is Monday where are you now Teasin’ my memory teaching me how to lay low When I don’t want to Well love is elusive this I know now It’s making me crazy leaving me out In the open when I don’t want to
The moments of pleasures Never do last Are gone like a suitcase full of your past Long gone and in a hurry
Baby, I can’t go through this again I don’t need to go down more then I’ve already been Just like a wild fire you’re running all over town As much as you burn me baby I should be ashes by now
The second street beggars alone in their life Drunk on a sidewalk to hide from the night Like I am They’re just like I am
Baby, I can’t go through this again I don’t need to go down more then I’ve already been Just like a wild fire you’re running all over town As much as you burn me baby I should be ashes by now
Just like a wild fire You’re running all over town As much as you burn me, baby I should be ashes by now Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah I should be ashes by now
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