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Sorrow and grief Alone i walk Across fields Of crimson flowers Frozen in time This eternity is mine From my wounds I won’t recover
Night-time tears In silence i see the world pass by I watch new fears From the pits of my soul they arise
Broken and torn My soul is forlorn On this endless plain Of tombs and ashes Every tear i have cried is marked with a stone My emotions are buried Deep in the soil
I bury my ashes My earthly remains Silent i weep Dark gods whisper my name Hell awaits Alone i stand outside its gate Let me now in Let me enter my dark kingdom come
And now the darkness Surrounds my lonely soul As i lived i now die All alone I reap the fruits From the seed i once sowed The grapes of oblivion Delight my soul
I vanish in the darkness On this gloomy plain i fade away I leave a life in sadness In this realm of shadows i’d rather stay
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