Текст песни Frank Sinatra -
Chattanoogie Shoe Shine Boy
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Have you ever passed the corner of Forth and Grand? Where a little ball o' rhythm's a shoe shine stand The neighbors gather 'round and then they clap their hand
He's a great big bundle o' joy He pops the boogie woogie rag The Chattanoogie shoe shine boy
He charges you a nickel to shine one shoe He makes the oldest kind o' leather look like new You feel as though you wanna dance when he gets through
He's a great big bundle o' joy He pops the boogie woogie rag The Chattanoogie shoe shine boy
It's a wonder that the rag don't tear Man the way this cat makes it pop, mop You ought to see him fan the air With his hoppity-hippity-hippity-hoppity-hoppity-hippity-hoppity
He opens up for business when the clock strikes nine He likes to catch 'em early when they're feelin' fine Everybody gets a little rise 'n shine
With that great big bundle o' joy He pops the boogie woogie rag The Chattanoogie shoe shine boy
It's a wonder that the rag don't tear The way he makes it pop You ought to see him fan the air With his hoppity-hippity-hippity-hoppity-hoppity-hippity-hoppity
He opens up for business when the clock strikes nine He likes to catch 'em early when they're feelin' fine Everybody gets a little rise 'n shine
With that great big bundle o' joy He pops the boogie woogie rag The Chattanoogie shoe shine
He's my bundle o' joy, man you know one thing If you don't get your foot out of the way at time This cat will bad down, run through the leather And manicure your toes as great, mop
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