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We fell in love one summer night The stars hang low the moon was white That's where I'll start when I write my memoirs
The way you look the things you said The clothes you wore the books you read I'll tell of all these things in my memoirs
As the pages turn love lives anew Worth paint a picture of you Read between the lines dear if you will And you will learn that I love you still
And there's a footnote referring you Back to the night you said we're through There's nothing more to say in my memoirs
We fell in love one summer night The stars hang low the moon was white That's where I'll start when I write my memoirs
The way you look the things you said The clothes you wore the books you read I'll tell of all these things in my memoirs
As the pages turn love lives anew Words paint a picture of you Read between the lines dear if you will And you will learn that I love you still
And there's a footnote referring you Back to the night you said we're through There's nothing more to say in my memoirs
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