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Where will I go now it’s all over Where will I be now all is said and done Here comes the time, prepare for justice Seems like my final journey has begun
Riding on the wind, there’s only one place left to go Take me to my afterlife, high up or down below
Heaven or Hell - where do we go when we are leaving Heaven or Hell - whatever comes to set us free Heaven or Hell - I’ve gone a long way and I see there’s no wishing well The choice is made, it’s heaven or hell
I’m not the one who was expected So I’ll return and be from heaven sent I’m gonna get myself elected And now I wanna be the president - "Viva el Presidente"
Master of the damned I’ll be the savior of you all Take me as a holy god to save you from the fall
Heaven or Hell - where is my final destination Heaven or Hell - whatever comes to set us free Heaven or Hell - we’ve gone a long way and we’ll see there is no wishing well The choice is made, it’s heaven or hell
Master of the damned, I’ll be the savior of you all I’m your revelation I’m a walking miracle
Heaven or Hell - what is our final destination Heaven or Hell - where do we go from here Heaven or Hell - we’ve gone a long way and we see there is no wishing well The choice is made, it’s heaven or hell
Heaven or hell It’s heaven or hell There’s no wishing well It’s heaven or hell
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