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I crawl across the floor never see the light Only shadows on the wall Somebody said there’s reality behind But I’m afraid to turn and fall - oh no
Set me free - for eternity
And now they talk about my destiny again I hear their footsteps in the dark But then again there was the silence and the pain Uh lord that made me feel so lost
Heal me - get out of here Save me - my world’s an illusion
I’m still inside the cave imprisoned in on mind And silhouettes on the wall I have to turn around to see what’s goin’ on Cause what I saw was never all!
Just a move is the solution it’s not enough to stand and stare Leave the cave and find the reason For the cross you have to bear
Never, never, never, Never return to the principle
Never, never, Never return to the principle
Never, never, We will never return to the principle
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