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(Music: Abbath - Lyrics: Demonaz)
Believe the sea high waves upon our coming storm hear the roaring tide as we name a dawn See the ice in which we craft our souls earth’s frozen cries the dark benight your kind
Monstrously the seas rage afar as if to hide from that which nears skyward from the seasalt air our vision knew a giant fall See the ice in which we craft our souls life’s frozen cries the dark benight your kind
A place of utterness beyond the wilderness through a darkened terrain that fades in emptiness... Walkers of the dust survivors of the blast slowly they move but far behind all time into the solar fall...
Believe the sea high waves upon our coming storm hear the roaring tide as we name a dawn Monstrously the seas rage afar as if to hide from what which nears skyward from the seasalt air our vision knew a giant fall See the ice in which we craft our souls all frozen cries the dark benight your kind The last sunset flame dust of ice drifts the earth lightning plays in depths of no rebirth...
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