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AJ drives to his general store And for the millionth time he unlocks the door His wife’s not around, she’s been dead for years When I was a kid they used to sell me beers Why he even bothers to open the door The store’s completely empty from ceiling to floor
Everyday open for business Lay your hand cause the dealing’s done Life goes on and on day after day Just like AJ, got to find you a way To open for business
The cracks in the wall is like the lines in his face They run deep in to show that you can never replace All the years go by and the place that he’s found They say the shit is coming through He said build it up around Wonder how he managed to stay In an old empty building He makes it ok
Everyday open for business Lay your hand cause the dealing’s done Life goes on and on day after day Just like AJ, got to find you a way To open for business
Everyday open for business Life goes on and on and on and on
He drives his ’38 Ford to the general store And for the millionth time he unlocks the door The gas pumps are gone from where they were before Is this good or bad? He’s gonna do a little more
Everyday open for business Lay your hand cause the dealing’s done Life goes on and on day after day Just like AJ, got to find you a way to
Everyday open for business Lay your hand cause the dealing’s done Life goes on and on and on and on Just like AJ, got to find you a way to
Everyday open for business Everyday open for business
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