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Loneliness-no place to hide No need to run when I’m at your side You’re looking for something It’s easy to see You’re always changing things No, yo uwon’t let them be
CHORUS And i nthe still of the night When you’re ready to give up the fight Then you reach for me In the still of the night-I can take you where you want to be When yo ureach for me If there’s still a fight I can hold you tight and set you free
You’ve been down this road day after day You’ve lived and loved your work is play You know your needs and it brings you pity Yo udo your deeds yeah the real nitty gritty
You’re just a little girl inside You thought you’d come along just for the ride And when things didn’t work out the way you thought it would be That’s when I feel you reaching for me Just come on around mama knock on my back door
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