Текст песни Joshua Bassett - Little Rita

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[Verse 1]
Little Rita lost her home
20 years going up in smoke standing in the ash of all she knew
Sweets is crying on the phone
She's not quite sure where to go
And the fireman can't save the baby's shoes

I know this life isn't easy
But you'd know that I will be right here
And you know that those are your needs, dear
And someone who can dry your tears
'Cause home is where the heart is
And my heart is always near
I promise in no time that you'll be finе
And everything will be alright

Alright, alright
Yеah, everything will be alright, alright, alright

[Verse 2]
Luke is pulling out his hair
Sometimes life just isn't fair
That Mama's boy been holding back his tears
Papa can't help cracking jokes
'Cause laughter's how he learned to cope
He can't yet say goodbye to the golden years

I know this life isn't easy
But you know that I will be right here
And you know that love's all you need, dear
And someone who can dry your tears
'Cause home is where the heart is
And my heart is always near
I promise in no time that you'll be fine
And everything will be alright

Alright, alright
Yeah, everything will be alright, alright, alright

[Verse 3]
Wrinkly smiles amidst the fire
We're just glad to see you rise
Love is all that matters, anyway
(Love is all that matters, anyway, love is always)
I know it's scary, I know it's sad
So kiss your mom and hug your dad
'Cause no one knows how long they really have (Thank you mommy, thank you daddy)

I know this life isn't easy
But you know that I will be right here
You know that love's all you need, dear
And someone who can dry your tears
'Cause home is where the heart is
And my heart is always near
I promise in no time that you'll be fine
And everything will be alright

Alright, alright
Yeah, everything will be alright, alright, alright
Everything will be alright

Другие песни Joshua Bassett

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