Текст песни Joshua Bassett - Circles

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[Verse 1]
Merry-go-round, we've been here before
Your carousel hell got me chained to the floor
I've been falling for your sweet seduction
Can't believe you're fooling me again

I've been running for my life
I end up at the starting line, yeah
I've been wasting all my youth on you
Lovesick spinning 'round and 'round
Like a broken record wearin' out
All this time I wasted chasin' you

Yeah, girl, you got me goin' in
Circles, circles
Girl, you got me goin' in
Circles, circles
(Girl, you got me goin' in circles)

[Verse 2]
Sweet as a peach, you're soft to the touch
You're making me bleed but calling it love
You pull me close, but keep me at a distance

I've been running for my life
I end up at the starting line
I've been wasting all my youth on you
Lovesick spinning 'round and 'round
Like a broken record wearin' out
All this time I wasted chasin' you

Girl, you got me goin' in
Circles, circles
Yeah, girl, you got me goin' in
Circles, circles

Where do I go from here?
Where do I go from here?
Where do I go from here?

I've been running for my life
I end up at the starting line
I've been wasting all my youth on you
Lovesick spinning 'round and 'round
I'm a broken record wearin' out
All this time I wasted chasin' you

Yeah, girl, you got me goin' in
Circles, circles
Yeah, girl, you got me goin' in
Circles, circles
Yeah, girl, you got me goin' in circles

Другие песни Joshua Bassett

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