Текст песни Joss Stone -
Girl They Won't Believe It
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[VERSE] Get your head out your dreams the would say Ooh, Shot me down time and time again Stubborn little girl she refuses to change Catch a cloud but you can't pin me down
[CHORUS] Girl they won't believe it I finally found some sweet through the bitters of life Ooh Ooh Girl they won't believe it In a world where the sun's even shining inside
[VERSE] Took a minute but I caught it They won't believe it Mmm now I'm in love a deeper way Tell me who would have thought this could satisfy me All I need is a kiss from a melody
[CHORUS] Ooh Ooh Girl they won't believe it Girl they won't believe it That I've finally found some sweet through the bitters of life Oh Oh Girl they won't believe it Girl they won't believe it In a world where the sun's even shining inside Ooh Girl they won't believe it I've finally found something sweet through the bitters of life Ooh Ooh Girl you won't believe it In a world where the sun's even shining inside Ooh you won't believe it Girl they won't believe it I finally found some sweet through the bitters of life
Oh oh, say girl they won't believe it
[BRIDGE] Girls say it now Say with me Ooh hoo [Repeat 3 times]
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