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Don’t try to understand the way I’m feeling now And don’t misread my words cos what I say is how I see our future baby, no question or no maybe A change has gotta come someday
The way it was before, can’t carry on no more This one way love affair I know you don’t seem to care, now tell me if I’m wrong For lovin’ to be strong you got to
Work, just to make it work You gotta work to make it work Nothing comes so easy, got to Work, just to make it work You gotta work to make it work Yeh Yeh
I saw it long ago, I realised you’d never show me The way you feel inside, you’d always choose to hide We got a future baby, no question or no maybe A change is gonna come right away
I gotta make you see it’s the only way to be No more one way love affair And now you know I really care The time has come to pass if love is gonna last
(Repeat chorus)
If we could reach an understanding you’d see that it’s much better Than livin’ our lives on our own I know it seems old-fashioned, but baby that’s no reason To run away from love Cos there’s no-one above you
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