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[1:] Now we're looking on and finding Things are looking up My life is moving on Onto better than the love 'Cause I'm feelin' fine And love is, love is hard to find It's suddenly a game And you won this heart of mine
[BRIDGE:] I never believe it After all that I've been through So good to receive it All alone that I found you
[CHORUS:] Love is waiting (love is waiting) And this time I'm taking it all (this time) So amazing (so amazing) I don't need a reason to fall (uh no no)
[2:] You know everyday you see it Love is burning out And I just have to say That's the way it's turning now Well it's plain to see Baby, what you do to me What used to be a dream Is now everything that's on me, yeah
[CHORUS:] [x 2]
(Moving on) moving on baby (Moving on) moving on (Looking on) looking on baby (Looking on) looking on
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