Здесь вы найдете слова песни LOVEBITES - Soldier Stands Solitarily. Наши пользователи находят тексты песен из различных источников в интернете, также добавялют самостоятельно. Вы можете скачать текст песни LOVEBITES - Soldier Stands Solitarily и его перевод.
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[Verse 1]
If tomorrow never comes
Was it ever even here?
Nobody knows
Trying to find key to the door
It is me and no one else
All in my hand
Things aren't as easy as "right" and "wrong"
You only need one thing to be proud of
Solitary soldier
Fighting till the end
I'm not satisfied
Solitary fire
Even with the scars
I'm not satisfied
[Verse 2]
If I can take it all back
Daydreaming won't change a thing, so worthless
Life is always back and forth of hurting and getting hurt
Can't change this
I have been searching for something long
Not enough time to care what others think
Solitary soldier
Fighting till thе end
I'm not satisfied
Solitary fire
Evеn with the scars
I'm not satisfied
Things aren't as easy as "right" and "wrong"
You only need one thing to be proud of
Solitary soldier
Fighting till the end
I'm not satisfied
Solitary fire
Even with the scars
I'm not satisfied
Solitary soldier
Fighting till the end
I'm not satisfied
Solitary fire
Even with the scars
I'm not satisfied
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