Текст песни LOVEBITES - Wicked Witch

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[Verse 1]
Getting lost without any clue
Into a deep and foggy woods
You are falling, falling
Finding only light in the night
Feeding full of great relief
You are drowning, drowning

Finally having you in my hand
No way left to leave this place
You have been longing just to be put under a spell

[Verse 2]
Now you are stuck in the delusion
Never a chance to waking up
You are dreaming, dreaming
Apple is set and shining red
Can you resist from taking them ?
You are shaking, shaking

Like a little bird in the cage
Eagerly looking out to see
Wondering if you will ever be free
"Never", I say

Run, hidе, no escape
Mirror, oh mirror, who's the fairеst ?
Run, hide, no escape
I am the one that's making your way
Run, hide, no escape
Mirror, oh mirror, who's the fairest ?
Run, hide, no escape
Singing the lamentation

When you see, go ahead, run and hide
When you hear, go ahead, run and hide
When you feel, go ahead, run and hide
But you know there is no escape
When you see, go ahead, run and hide
When you hear, go ahead, run and hide
When you feel, go ahead, run and hide
But you know there is no escape

[Verse 3]
Now you are stuck in the delusion
Never a chance to waking up
You are dreaming, dreaming
Apple is set and shining red
Can you resist from taking them ?
You are shaking, shaking

Like a little bird in the cage
Eagerly looking out to see
Wondering if you will ever be free
"Never", I say

Run, hide, no escape
Mirror, oh mirror, who's the fairest ?
Run, hide, no escape
I am the one that's making your way
Run, hide, no escape
Mirror, oh mirror, who's the fairest ?
Run, hide, no escape
Singing the lamentation
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