Текст песни Lip Dip - Cry

Здесь вы найдете слова песни Lip Dip - Cry. Наши пользователи находят тексты песен из различных источников в интернете, также добавялют самостоятельно. Вы можете скачать текст песни Lip Dip - Cry и его перевод. Также вы можете добавить свой вариант текста «Cry» или его перевод для сайта Pesni.net!
I never said that I was sorry
I never was in a hurry
I’m not all that starry
What is all the pointless story

What is this pointless hatedom
I have screeched myself to sleep
Don’t know what to do
I’m feeling less than a humble sheep

I couldn’t feel any more helpless
I have cried myself to sleep
I couldn’t feel any more helpless
I have cried myself to sleep
I couldn’t feel any more helpless
I have cried myself to sleep
I couldn’t feel any more helpless
I have cried myself to sleep
Why am I here
Why am I here
What is the mеaning of this
Why am I here

I nevеr had a heart for anything
Don’t believe me? Ask anyone
Anyone you know anyone you trust
They will teach you that I am all about lust
I hate everything I see
I will burn it to the ground
I have felt this way for 3 whole years
And it will all burn down

I couldn’t feel any more helpless
I have cried myself to sleep
I couldn’t feel any more helpless
I have cried myself to sleep
I couldn’t feel any more helpless
I have cried myself to sleep
I couldn’t feel any more helpless
I have cried myself to sleep
Why am I here
Why am I here
What is the meaning of this

I can’t be this way
I can’t be this way
I can’t be this way
I can’t be this way
I can’t be this way
I can’t be this way
I can’t be this way
I can’t be this way
I can’t be this way
I can’t be this way
I cannot

Тексты лучших песен Lip Dip

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