Текст песни Lip Dip - Point?

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Where’s the point?
I don’t see one!
Do you?
Well I don’t!
Eat my middle finger!

I have abused myself
I have bite marks on my arm
I have abused myself
I have bite marks on my arm
I never wanted to live like this
But my guts have no choice
I never wanted to live like this
But my guts have no choice

What is your point
I can never understand
Please just let me
Die and sink in the sand

I have abused myself
I have bite marks on my arm
I have abused myself
I have bite marks on my arm
I never wanted to live like this
But my guts have no choice
I never wanted to live like this
But my guts have no choice

Watch the body sink in the sand
I will not hold your hand
Why don’t you fuckin understand
I am so angry
I’m part of the angriest band
I don’t know what to see or do
I will watch you stand
I will watch you burn away
Off the ground into a land
And when you do I won’t miss you
Of another man

I have abused myself
I have bite marks on my arm
I have abused myself
I have bite marks on my arm
I never wanted to live like this
But my guts have no choice
I never wanted to live like this
But my guts have no choice

Тексты лучших песен Lip Dip

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