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You got someone here wants to make it alright Someone who loves you more than life right here You got willing arms that'll hold you tight A hand to lead you on through the night right here I know your heart can get all tangled up inside But don't you keep it to yourself
[Chorus:] When your long day is over And you can barely drag your feet The weight of the world is on your shoulders I know what you need Bring it on home to me
You know I know you like the back of my hand But did you know I'm gonna do all that I can right here I'm gonna lie with you till you fall asleep When the morning comes I'm still gonna be right here (yes I am) So take your worries and just drop them at the door Baby leave it all behind
Baby let me be your safe harbor Don't let the water come and carry you away
You got someone here wants to make it alright Someone who loves you more than life right here
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