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[Verse 1]
Last night in Memphis
Tonight in New Orleans
Tomorrow I'll be miles from here
Ain't nothing to me, nothing to me
Sweet gypsy highway
Won't you let me chase my dream
Cause I got a song to take me there
And it's something to see, something to see
Lord I was born with a suitcase in my hand
Living in a life that few could understand
Sometimes it gets so confusing
That I don't know where I am
But I always know who I'm with
I'm with the band
[Verse 2]
Cheap whiskey midnight
Another round with my friends
Watching the world through the windshield
And we're rolling again, rolling again
Lord I was born with a suitcase in my hand
Living in a life that few could understand
Sometimes it gets so confusing
That I don't know where I am
But I always know who I'm with
I'm with the band
Lord I was born with a suitcase in my hand
Living in a life that few could understand
Sometimes it gets so confusing
That I don't know where I am
But I always know who I'm with
I'm with the band
[Verse 3]
Last night in Memphis
Tonight in New Orleans
Tomorrow I'll be miles from here
Ain't nothing to me, nothing to me
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Также принимается перевод песни «I’m With The Band».
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