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Moody Blues Strange Times All That Is Real Is You All the world over I've searched for a dream I've found out that life is not what it seems I've seen all the wonders the world has to give But all that is real is you.
All of the silver and all of the gold Seems worthless to me Lifeless and cold I've known all the treasure A man can possess But all that is real is you.
So bring me back home My love - my love Oh how I need you Take me back home My love - my love Oh how I love you.
Even the place where my heart used to fly The warm summer breeze The wild seabirds cry All are illusions and all just a dream 'Cos all that is real is you.
So bring me back home My love - my love Oh how I need you Take me back home My love - my love Oh how I love you.
All the world over I've searched for a dream I've found out that life is not what it seems I've seen all the wonders the world has to give But all that is real is you
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