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If this could be the end
Then at least I'm with a ten
Outta all your pretty friends
You're the one I want
[Verse 1]
There could be a war
At our door
But, baby, don't blame me
If you're all I see
Then the day after
A natural disaster
Oh, baby, I'm sorry
Guess I missed that beat
It's just you and I
And, baby, armageddon you tonight
If this could be the end
Then at least I'm with a ten
Outta all your pretty friends
You're the one I want
Angels calling from the sky
Guess that's it for you and I
'Til we have to say goodbye
You're the one I want
[Verse 2]
There could be devastation
A tidal wave across the nation
A panic in the world, you're always my girl
You don't need no explanation, no
That feeling won't disappear
Like smoke all in the atmosphere
And even though I can't breathe
I know you're right here with me
It's just you and I
And, baby, armageddon you tonight
If this could be the end
Then at least I'm with a ten
Outta all your pretty friends
You're the one I want
Angels calling from the sky
Guess that's it for you and I
'Til we have to say goodbye
You're the one I want
If this could be the end
Then at least I'm with a ten
Outta all your pretty friends
You're the one I want
Angels calling from the sky
Guess that's it for you and I
'Til we have to say goodbye
You're the one I want
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