Текст песни Powerwolf -
Where the Wild Wolves Have Gone
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We fought the daylight any battle, any war
The call for blood worth dying for
We prayed for twilight, side by side we stood as pack
But still tonight you won't come back
The night is over
But in the morning don't lie dead
Remember all the blood we had
And we'll meet where the wild wolves have gone
All we bleed in the Armageddon storm
And we'll meet where the wild wolves have gone
All we need is the sacrament
We begged for mercy any hour, any day
To bring back nightfall we would pray
You left us bleeding in a silver bullet rain
Still in this wold you can't remain
The day is dawning
When dusk is calling out for blame
And on this empty grave your name
And we'll meet where the wild wolves have gone
All we bleed in the Armageddon storm
And we'll meet where the wild wolves have gone
All we need is the sacrament
And we'll meet where the wild wolves have gone
All we bleed in the Armageddon storm
And we'll meet where the wild wolves have gone
All we need is the sacrament
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