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[Verse 1]
She came alive in the dark of the night
Aware no body can resist her might
And in the dark not a prayer can stop her evil touch
All we crave too much
Through heaven high, we are under her spell
Too late the psalm of temptation to tell
When late at night we all knock at her door and beg for more
Of what we adore
Kyrie Klitorem
From a silent night to the light of heaven
Kyrie Klitorem
Bring all lust alive to thе sound of angel wings
[Verse 2]
Her sainted tеmple, her body, her grail
Before the dawn, lift the shine of her veil
And in the heat of the fire can't tame this instinct game
Pleasure over shame
Sin has begun, and from now it's too late
The sole command we obey; stimulate
And like a serpent in Eden we praise the poison fruit
From the top to root
Kyrie Klitorem
From a silent night to the light of heaven
Kyrie Klitorem
Bring all lust alive to the sound of angel wings
Dominae Klitorum, Rex Deum
Dominae Klitorum, Rex Deum
Dominae Klitorum, Rex Deum
The lesson learned by the Father, the Son
In war and pleasure, her will shall be done
And while chorales have been sung heaven made by the twist of tongue
Kyrie Klitorem
Down the alibi for the might that leads you
Kyrie Klitorem
Bring all lust alive to the sound of angels
Kyrie Klitorem
Down the alibi for the might that leads you
Kyrie Klitorem
Bring all lust alive to the sound of angels
Kyrie Klitorem
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Также принимается перевод песни «Kyrie Klitorem».
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