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You're like a bad, bad movie on a Saturday night And somehow I can't close my eyes The demons were screaming You and me were meant to be
You're like a car crash that I can't look away Cheers to the dead with some cheap champagne Put an arrow through my heart I swear, I'll feel no pain
L-O-V-E, I love the way You possess me The bloody evidence is left At the crime scene
I could have bought you roses or a diamond ring That's just material things This day I want you to be mine I'm your blood stained valentine
You're like a bottle of poison that I can't resist Connect the dots with a razor blade on my wrist And watch the blood as it drips from my fingertips
L-O-V-E, I love the way You possess me The bloody evidence is left At the crime scene
I could have bought you roses or a diamond ring That's just material things This day I want you to be mine I'm your blood stained valentine
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