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When tomorrow comes We'll be one of them And our only purpose is to kill off those not dead
We are the dead and we're comin' for you We are the dead and we're comin' for you We are the dead and we're comin' for you Because we are the dead
When there's no more room in Hell Then the dead will walk the earth And the livin' won't have a prayer 'Cause it's the dawn of the dead
Can't you see what this world's become? When the dead feast off the livin', yeah And we're about to join the fun
We are the dead and we're comin' for you We are the dead and we're comin' for you We are the dead and we're comin' for you Because we are the dead
When there's no more room in Hell Then the dead will walk the earth And the livin' won't have a prayer 'Cause it's the dawn of the dead
When there's no more room in Hell Then the dead will walk the earth And the livin' won't have a prayer 'Cause it's the dawn of the dead
We are the dead and we're comin' for you We are the dead and we're comin' for you We are the dead and we're comin' for you Because we are the dead
When there's no more room in Hell Then the dead will walk the earth And the livin' won't have a prayer 'Cause it's the dawn of the dead
When there's no more room in Hell Then the dead will walk the earth And the livin' won't have a prayer 'Cause it's the dawn of the dead
We are the dead and we're comin' for you We are the dead and we're comin' for you We are the dead and we're comin' for you We are the dead and we're comin' for you
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