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If you’re under 18 you don’t have any rights They force you to conform, plan your whole damn life By the time your 21 the brainwashing is done You’re sucked into there system there is no return Look at the world your parents gave to you Full of hate, full of lies Look at the way your parents live their lives By the rules, not by choice They force traditions on you won’t let you be yourself If you’re different from them, they say you’ll go to hell You’re locked up in group homes or in juvenile hall They give you stupid curfews everything’s against the law (Chorus) Take charge of your life You’re old enough to know what’s right (X2) Authority’s established by instilling fear in you They tell you that you’re powerless there’s nothing you can do Move in with a friend if your parents mistreat you Start organizing protests with all the kids at school
Don’t end up just like them, don’t end up just like them!
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