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I was born by a river, oh my In this little old tent Oh, just like this river I've been running ever since It's been alone
Lord, I'm coming but I know, but I know A change is gotta come, now Yes, it is, my oh, my oh, my oh
It's been too hard livin', oh my And I'm afraid to die I don't know what's up there Beyond the clouds It's been alone
Lord, I'm coming but I know, but I know A change is gotta come Oh, yes it is, my oh, my oh, my
There's a time I will go to my brother, oh my I've asked my brother Will you help me please, oh now, oh now
He turned me down And then I asked my little mother, oh my I said mother, I said mother I'm down on my knees
It's been time that I go Lord, it's too late, very long, oh now, oh Somehow I thought I was still able To try to carry on It's been alone
Lord, but I'm coming that I've know A change is gonna come Oh, yes, it is
Just like I said I went to my little bitty brother, oh my, my little brother I asked my brother Brother, help me please, oh now
He turned me down And then I go to my little mother My dear mother, oh now I said, ‽Motherâ€, I said, ‽Mother, I'm down on my kneesâ€
But there was a time that I go Lord, it's too late, so very long, oh, my oh Somehow I thought I was still able To try to carry on It's been alone
Lord, I'm coming but I know, but I know A change is gotta come It's been so long, it's been so long A little too long But change is gotta come
So tired, so tired of suffering Standing by myself And standing up alone But a change is gonna come
You know, I know You know that I know and I know And you know A change is gonna come
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