Здесь вы найдете слова песни SOAK - get well soon. Наши пользователи находят тексты песен из различных источников в интернете, также добавялют самостоятельно. Вы можете скачать текст песни SOAK - get well soon и его перевод.
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I couldn't call you mad
If anything insane in a world gone bad
We should this mirage
Your brave face, it's looking like
December was such a trip
I could just spit you out like you were nothing
It all comes up in my past
In the back of cars, the radio starts can't compete
And I, I'll say anything
If it keeps you here
So I regurgitate classic lines
But no generic quote ever changed your life
Maybe we're too cynical for our own good
Maybe we should hang a "live, laugh, love" sign
Maybe I'm dramatic
Maybe I've seen to many friends go away before
The best before dates are the things I wished I'd say
Are the things I wished I'd say
Are the things I wished I'd say
Are the things I should've said
I'll say anything
If it keeps you here
You know nothing can touch us now
Nothing can touch us now
Nothing can
I'll say anything
If it keeps you here
Nothing can touch us now
Nothing can touch us now
Nothing can touch us now
Nothing can touch us now
Nothing can touch us now
Nothing can touch us now
Nothing can touch us now
Nothing can touch us now
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Также принимается перевод песни «get well soon».
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