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I was in love with the world
Irish air and first times
I wanna live forever
At least I did last night
Wakin' up on Neptune
Comin' down in the corner store
Helpin' you budget your pennies
Forgettin' what we came here for
Hearin' her laugh from the next room
Bonnie says I look like myself
Drenched in a familiar perfume
She offers me twos and I lean
All of our friends in the same place
Relief is not havin' to try
For once, I felt truly full up
Illuminated by your headlights
Screamin' a slurred "give me shelter"
Infinite lung capacity
Our torsos hung out the fiesta
Rain heavies our clothing toffee
It makes a tie-dye of your face
It paints you right in the Louvre
It makes me you paparazzi
Your fleetin' magnitude needs proof
You are the cramp in my future
I'm in the jaws of our sentiment
None of my new beginnings
Can fill up the crater you left
No one will know me like this
No one will know me like this
No one will know me like this
No one could know me like this
Hearin' her laugh from the next room
I'd know it anywhere
I'm right where I'm supposed to be
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